@jodroenn wrote:
Hi to all,
I would like to use the SOAP / REST Web Services with three applications we use in our company (Omnitracker, BMC TrueSight Orchestrator (TSO) and BMC TrueSight Server Automation (TSSA)).
I get the services for all three - see the wsdl and screenshots attached.I am able to use the resulting activities, but as soon as I connect to the services using credentials, I get an exception “System.InvalidOperationException: Object is read-only”. It is all the same with the three services.
A search in the internet gives me a page https://stackoverflow.com/questions/199014/getting-object-is-read-only-error-when-setting-clientcredentials-in-wcf , so I guess the solution lies in the generated web services.
Any proposals how to solve this?
Many thanks,
call_read-only.7z (411.5 KB)
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