@shyamm wrote:
Hello Every One ,
i want decrypt the text using TripleDES Method mean while i’m getting below error.
“Decrypt Text: A cryptographic operation has failed. Please make sure you use the same algorithm and key for both encryption and decryption operations.”i used public static string Encrypt(string input)
{string key = "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"; byte[] inputArray = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(input); TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider tripleDES = new TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider(); tripleDES.Key = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key)
tripleDES.Mode = CipherMode.ECB;
tripleDES.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7;
ICryptoTransform cTransform = tripleDES.CreateEncryptor();
byte resultArray = cTransform.TransformFinalBlock(inputArray, 0, inputArray.Length);
return Convert.ToBase64String(resultArray, 0, resultArray.Length);
}above code to encrypt the the text.
its working fine in C# while encrypting and decrypting.
using uipath i’m unable to decrypt the above encrypted codemay i know based on which parameters and modes TripleDES Method working in uipath
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