Hi All, @loginerror
I have a problem which I am facing that I cant solve. I have a python script that converts PDF into CSV files. When I run the script in Spyder, it works perfectly.
I want to leverage on the latest [UiPath.Python.Activities](https://Python v1.3) and use UiPath to run this script run. However, I am unable to do so as I am being met with Invoke Python Method: One or more errors occurred.
Basically, within a Python Scope, I am using ‘Load Python Script’ (No error) > Followed by Invoke Python Script (Error occurs here). I also tried using the ‘Run Python Script’.
I have attached the python script here for the community’s easy reference.
pdf2csv.txt (1.2 KB)
Thanks in advance!
======================== Update on 16 Feb ====================
Hi all, @burque505 , @SenzoD , @NIVED_NAMBIAR , @loginerror , @Nalin
I have simplified the script and added screenshot to illustrate better. Essentially once I comment out the targetPath = filedialog.askopenfilename...
statement, it will work (else, error is thrown at Invoke Python Method). Any idea why ? it seems like uipath was unable to read the filedialog methods to me.
As communicated, the script works perfectly if i run it via cmd / Spyder => filedialog statement will prompt user to select file to upload.
Hence, not sure why uipath is throwing me an error.
Thanks in advance! Any comments are welcomed!
10 posts - 4 participants