I have a challenge sending mails. I need to send mails from a shared mailbox and the sent mails must end up in the “sent items” of the shared mailbox.
Example: My Account = rpa@XXX.nl and shared account is $noreplayRPA@XXXX.nl
On my server I have outlook 2016 installed with the default account linked to the shared mailbox.
The “Send SMTP Mailmessage” has the ability to send mails from shared mailbox but will not display sent messages. Therefore I have first tried “Send Exchange mail message”, however I am unable to use this activity because of authorization issues which cannot be solved due to the client policy.
Second, I have tried the “Send Outlook Mailmessage” activity. Leaving input field “Account” empty, I am able to send mails on behalf of “the shared mailbox”. In this way, the sent mail will end up in my own mailbox and not in the outbox of the shared mailbox.
When I put the same input for the “SentOnBehalfOfName” in the “Account” field I get an error saying “Account not found”.
I am not getting an error if I put the account in the Input Account field of the “Get Outlook Mail Messages” or “Move Outlook Mail Message” activity.
I am using Uipath.Mail.Activities 1.3.0 and UiPath 2018.4.4.
Is someone able to help me?
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