For anyone at UiPath reading - do we know if there is an issue with the UiPathJavaBridgeV8.dll
The automation I’m recently having trouble with which was created on an earlier version of UiPath Studio but now using 20.4.1 is exhibiting these errors - I’ve only seen the issue recently as far as I know (the person who normally runs the automations in the LIVE environment went on holiday so it was brought to my attention by other people)
Anyway - I’ve checked the Windows logs and have noticed this :
The application I have automated is a java app running in Internet Explorer 11.1339.17763.0
The version of java the application required is version 8 update 77
This only seems to happen on the automations that use this Java app across different Physical & virtual machines - all other automations are OK.
We are using an older version of Orchestrator 2019.4.4
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