Hello Community -
I am getting an issue while fetching xml values. It pops up the below error message.
"For Each: The ':' character, hexadecimal value 0x3A, cannot be included in a name"
I need to fetch the process id value from the below XML to use further -
<env:Envelope xmlns:env=“http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/” xmlns:wsa=“http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing”>
- env:Header*
- wsa:ActionsubmitRequest</wsa:Action>*
- wsa:MessageIDurn:uuid:136fd538-9ec0-4519-b7ca-9c5749fd03cd</wsa:MessageID>*
- wsa:RelatesTourn:uuid:bc779307-1819-4667-8cec-b246405011a1</wsa:RelatesTo>*
- </env:Header>*
- env:Body*
- <ns0:submitRequestResponse xmlns:ns0=“http://xmlns.oracle.com/scheduler”>*
<requestId xmlns:ns2="http://xmlns.oracle.com/scheduler/types" xmlns="">**287054**</requestId>*
- </ns0:submitRequestResponse>*
- </env:Body>*
Kindly help.
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