@josamarro wrote:
I’m not sure if this is a tricky one or a really simple one.
I have two Orchestrator’s, test and production. I have machine “A” with a robot and a studio connected to the Test Orchestrator, and machine “B” with only a robot connected to the production Orchestrator. Each machine (A & B) have a different AD user. Once I’m done testing my process, I promote the package to the production environment (I download the .nupkg from the test Orchestrator and upload it to the Production Orchestrator, directly from Orchestrator’s website in the packages section, and set it as the current version for the robot in Machine B).
Now the problem, when I run the process I receive the following error:
Info: Cannot create unknown type ‘{http://schemas.microsoft.com/netfx/2009/xaml/activities}Variable({http://schemas.uipath.com/workflow/activities}Browser)’.
When I installed a studio and published the same process but directly from machine B, everything worked fine. I don’t want a studio connected to the production Orchestrator.
I hope someone can help me. Thank you everyone.
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